Readers' Feedback


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Generated : 25th January 2025



I am having trouble finding the tibetan characters that form a phrase such as "always choose love over fear" or "free your soul through love" or something to that effect. Tibetan is such a beautiful language to look at, and I was hoping to use some in a future project of mine. Any help that I could get would make me most grateful. Thank you so much!

KryssTal Reply: Tibetan is a syllabary which means its essentially an alphabet with built in vowels: ba, ca, va, da, etc. You'll need to get your phrases translated and then converted into the Tibetan script.

There is a Tibetan Cultural Centre in London (where are you?) so you could perhaps search for their web site. Good luck.


love your website, and wanted(needed) to add my 2 cents worth. where i live - phila, pa area,- we also use pavement for sidewalk, altho it usually ends up being pronounced "payment".

as for what is on bread, it can be jelly, jam, or preserves, depending on the thickness and whether it contains chunks of fruit.

and a semi - detached is not a duplex - that's a house that has been converted into two apartments, one up, one down. a semi is called a twin in my neighborhood.

of course, this can all be negated if you're in a different region : ) . so thanks for taking the time to read my comments!

KryssTal Reply: Chears, guv (that's Cockney for "thank you, friend").

Philadelphia has a lot of European influence I hear so may not be typical of the rest of the USA. I'll keep your comments in mind. Thank you for your kind comments.


Ørjan Langbakk


I just read your page about using globally understood units when describing different values on web-pages.

i just want to say that you might be generalizing a bit to much. I myself live in Norway, we use the metric system, we use Celsius to measure temperature, we write the date DD/MM/YY etc.

That doesn't mean that I don't understand the use of feet and inches, or yards for that matter, neither does it mean that I don't understand Fahrenheit, a date given as MM/DD/YY or American sports expressions or other "local" expressions. (America was here given as an example).

I might not understand a lot of foreign (foreign to me, that is) languages, but I do understand English, and "local" expressions from English speaking countries are likely to be more or less globally understood.

Of course, some countries have a rather peculiar view of what is to be understood, and also some countries are not willing to learn foreign (to those countries) customs. I think these countries loose out. Too bad.

I do agree with you though. But! There is a big but! The information you write here, mostly goes to show that you want _English_-language sites to use these rules. Why? Probably because English is the language understood "all over" the world. If I see a page in French, Japanese, or Hindi, it wouldn't matter to me how they wrote any of these things anyway, bacause I wouldn't understand the text in the beginning.

To assume that English-language sites automatically should tend to all the different values of measurement and date-types all over the world, just because the site can be read by people all over the world is quite narrow-minded.

I think that people that are to stupid to in fact understand that an American site selling books are going to use US dollars as currency, people entering a Spanish IRC-channel and asking why they are speaking Spanish etc. should in no way be allowed to use the Internet in the first place.


KryssTal Reply: Thanks for your comments.

The problem with a date is that you need to check where the site is based to distinguish. I'll try to take your non-English comments on board.


Nathan B


You have Nark listed as a Police Informer.

Not really sure if i am right on this but i thought it was a shortened version of Narcotics Officer. These officers often went undercover in the US of A in the 50's - 70's to try and get people to sell them drugs, in which case they could charge with dealing. After a while the term became associated with any undercover agent, and then onto anyone who was used by the police to get information. Of course, I could very well be wrong.

Have a nice day.

KryssTal Reply: Sounds a reasonable explanation. Thank you for writing.


Oscar Esajas TSP

Rhyming slang

A Leo Sayer: an all dayer, meaning to drink throughout the whole day from the singer Leo Sayer

Barney: trouble: from The Flintstones cartoon character Barney Rubble.

KryssTal Reply: Wonderful stuff, thanks.


Jamie Schwartz


My name is Jamie from Wayne New Jersey. I am a senior in high school and am in a class called APHG (Advanced Placement Human Geography) We just recieved an essay to complete for this week and I thought your website was an excellent source for my Question. I was wandering if you can help me start off this assignment...Like if you can help me make a basic outline on it. It has to be in a 5 paragraph essay. If you can help me, I would greatly appreciate it! Here is the question:

Lingua Franca is the language of trade. In the past many languages served that purpose. Why is English an example of lingua franca today? Explain the development of English in global trade and literature and its value in the present "global village."

KryssTal Reply: Hello,

The reasons for English are threefold:

The UK spread the language via its empire
The USA is now the world's dominant economy making the language important
It's a fairly easy language to communicate in if not to master.

Good luck with your project.


Danaugh Tijm

Dear Mr. Kryss,

My firstname is Danaugh. I'm a 26 year old woman from Holland. I read your internetsite. For a long time now I'm wondering what the meaning and origin of my firstname, Danaugh, is and where it's from (I think it's Irish, Celtic, Welch or Scottish). I have searched the internet many, many times but I can't find any site which contains my name. Do you know anything which is related to my name? Where do the roots of my name lie? I hope you can help me a little! If not, do you know someone who I can contact who might know more.

Yours sincerely.

KryssTal Reply: Hello,

I am sorry I have never heard of that name. However, it looks Celtic to me from the spelling.


Outi Frisk

Dear KryssTal,

I was glad to notice that you had updated the list of English speaking countries and added some island groups from the Pacific. The listing of Senegal, however, I question. It's said to be French speaking on the CIA factbook of countries:

Yours sincerely.

KryssTal Reply: Senegal - ex French colony. I'll check my pages...



Dirk Bakker
Groningen (Holland)

Dear Webmaster,

I have great respect for the amount of scripts which is collected on the Kryss Tal page. There is, however, a little adjustment that I would like to suggest to make in the Syriac script. I, being a student of Syriac, noticed that the ' symbol (between s and p) is represented by the same letter which is used for the letter l. This is not correct, although the difference is small: the proper letter for the ' (called 'eyn) looks like the l, but with a short upward stroke instead of a long one.

I hope that you appreciate this little remark, and that your page may ever grow!

Yours sincerily.

KryssTal Reply: Thank you. I'll get it changed.


Ryan Sarsfield

Hi Kryss,

I stumbled upon your site and I rather enjoyed it. I have become reather interested lately in how languages adopt foreign words, after spending 8 months in Brazil and witnesses how eagerly Brazilians use English words, often in erroneous and humorous ways. But whenever I felt the urge to point out how absurd it all seemed, I had to remind myself just how much of a creole language English is, very interesting stuff altogether.

Do you know of any sites that address this sort of linguustic change? I am especially curious as to how these words are assimilated - the nuts and bolts of how a word comes into common usage. Any ideas would be much appreciated.

And once again, great site. Its refreshing to see informative sites that exist only to disseminate and share knowledge!


KryssTal Reply: Thank you,

I too enjoyed Brazil. I don't know of any sites as you seek but try a search on your key words of "words assimilate language" etc. Hope you don't end up with Borg sites !

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