[Tourists in London]
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Vibrant, noisy and brash. London is Europe's biggest city, made up from a number of culturally diverse villages that have fused together to form a grand metropolis. This is the home of the authors of this web site. London's history, art, food and street culture have thrilled visitors for generations. Read about the origin of London's place names, its slang, the tube system, its monarchs and Arsenal football (soccer) club. There is also a tourist guide aimed at visitors (especially from the American continent)
London Hotel Guide
Contains information about hotels in London.
London Event Calendar
An online event calendar containing events of interest to both visitors to the area and to community residents alike. Includes a Dining Guide.
UK Travel Guide
A directory of London museums, pubs, and other London activities with links.
Londoners Net
A full site for Londoners and anybody living in London. Includes shopping, finance, TV and employment
Ticket Master
One site for all entertainment tickets in London (Theatre, Film, Concert, Sport).
Visit Britain
Travelling around Britain. This has separate sections for travellers arriving from different places.
The premier TV station in the UK - a very large and informative site.
Private Eye
A look at the latest news storied through the eyes of Britain's most famous satirical magazine.
London Tourist Information
Another site full of information about London, including transport, hotels, sport.
Generator Hostel London
Budget accommodation in London.
Guide to Heathrow
Information about the main London airport.