The Acts of the Democracies




USA and South Africa

USA officials help secure an approved loan from the International Monetary Fund of $ 1,100 million for South Africa. Much of the money is used to destabilise neighbouring countries and to oppress its own non-voting black population.

Anthony Lewis, writing in the USA newspaper New York Times (31 January 1983) boasts:

"Externally, the last year has seen South Africa use its military power both covertly and overtly in neighboring black-governed states... without any significant political penalty. The United States has privately urged restraint on South Africa. South Africa's neighbors have in effect been told, without subtlety, that they can have peace and a chance for economic development only on South African terms."

A South African official also quoted in the New York Times (25 January 1983) warns:

"We want to show that we want peace in the region, we want to contribute and we can help a lot. But we also want to show that if we are refused we can destroy the whole of southern Africa."

This view is confirmed by Charles Lichenstein, the Deputy USA Ambassador to the United Nations, quoted in the Johannesburg Financial Mail:

"destabilization will remain in force until Angola and Mozambique do not permit their territory to be used by terrorists to attack South Africa."

The "terrorists" are groups wanting a democratic and non-racist South Africa.

The USA vetoes four United Nations resolutions concerning South Africa and apartheid: The ratification of the convention on the suppression and punishment of apartheid (voted by 124 to 1); Promoting international action against apartheid (141 to 1); Against apartheid in sports (138 to 1); Cessation of further foreign investments and loans for South Africa (134 to 1).

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