The Acts of the Democracies

Iraq Occupation 2004
Torture in Abu Ghraib Prison

Iconic Image of USA Torture of Iraqi
This hooded prisoner, wires attached to his fingers, was told if he fell off the box, he'd be electrocuted. All the more shocking, because it took place inside Iraq's notorious Abu Ghraib prison, where Saddam Hussein's regime tortured and executed thousands.

Torture of Iraqi Detainees
USA Private Lynndie England pointing to the genitals of hooded Iraqi male prisoners.

Sexual Humilliation of Iraqi Detainees
Charles Grainer, a USA marine pictured with naked male Iraqis who were forced to simulate sexual acts on each other.

Sexual Humiliation
Naked Iraqis forced to simulate sexual acts.

Torture with dogs
Terrified naked prisoner threatened with guard dogs. The next photograph in the sequence shows this man after having been bitten by one of the dogs.

Naked Detainee
Naked detainee covered in excrement being made to walk along a coridor.

Dead Iraqi
This is the body of a dead Iraqi prisoner wrapped in celophane. The body was taken out of the prison after a drip had been attached to it to make it look as if the man was still alive.

© 2004: New Yorker Magazine, Washington Post
