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Description |
Year Taken |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Xul Solar Museum |
"Lagui Rocks" (Xul Solar, 1933). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Xul Solar Museum |
"Almost Plants" (Xul Solar, 1946). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Xul Solar Museum |
Detail of "A Yogi" (Xul Solar, 1932). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Xul Solar Museum |
"Plentiful" (Xul Solar, 1946). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Xul Solar Museum |
"Yi Ching Development" (Xul Solar, 1953). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Xul Solar Museum |
"Spelling" (Xul Solar, 1961). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Xul Solar Museum |
1960 painting by Xul Solar who was an inventor of languages. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Xul Solar Museum |
"Lake City" (Xul Solar, 1939). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Xul Solar Museum |
Detail of a diver from "Lake City" (Xul Solar, 1939). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Xul Solar Museum |
Detail of a boat from "Lake City" (Xul Solar, 1939). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Xul Solar Museum |
"A Row of Ruins" (Xul Solar, 1949). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Xul Solar Museum |
"Gestation of Jesus" (Xul Solar, 1954). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Xul Solar Museum |
"Soul of the Pyramids" (Xul Solar, 1921). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Xul Solar Museum |
Detail of "Soul of the Pyramids" (Xul Solar). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Xul Solar Museum |
Detail of "Soul of the Pyramids" (Xul Solar). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Xul Solar Museum |
Mystical and astrological cards. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Xul Solar Museum |
Tarot cards from 1954. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Xul Solar Museum |
Books of Xul Solar's art (1887-1963). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Wide avenue. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
The Museum of Decorative Arts is set in a mansion built in 1917. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
The mansion was once owned by Chilean aristocrats. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
The museum contains the extensive art collection of Matias Errazuriz and Josefina de Alvear. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
The Central Hall is a Gothic style banqueting hall. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
The Central Hall has wood panelled walls. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Balcony overlooking the Central Hall. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
French doors. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Large tapestry. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Tapestry detail. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
15th century triptych. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Detail of carving on a triptych. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Furniture made from wood and brass. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Spiral staircase. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Inlaid chest. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Italian furniture from the 15th century. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
The interior is very elegant. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Carved jade. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
"Portrait of Abate Hurel" by Edouard Manet (1875). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
16th century carving of the "Wise Man Walking to Bethlehem". |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Japanese vases. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
"Portrait of a Woman" by Giovanni Boldini (died 1931). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Porcelain vase from China, 18th century. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
"Portrait of a Girl" by Charles Chaplin (died 1891). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
18th century jade from China. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Taoist deity from China, c1920. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Room with period furniture. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Sculpture by Auguste Rodin. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Room inspired by the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
"Eva" by Scipione Tadolini. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Music room. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Bust of Louis 14th by Antoine Coysevox. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
"Portrait of a Woman" by Jacopo Sansovino. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
"The Attributes of Music" by Osip Zadkine. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Detail of "Adoration" by Christopher Mantegazza. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Dining room. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Porcelain vase. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Buddhist statue. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Silk screen. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
"The Small Neopolitan Fisherman" by Jean Baptiste Carpeaux. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
The entire mansion is decorated with art from around the world. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Marble staircase. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Painted vase. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Sculpture by Alberto Lagos. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
View from the balcony overlooking the Central Hall. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
The balcony overlooking the Central Hall. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Portrait of Charles II of Spain by Juan Miranda. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Sitting room. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
"Landscape" by John Singer Sargent, 1880. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Bathroom. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Dressing table. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
The portrait and minatures gallery was formerly a family room. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
The collection of minature paintings is considered one of the most complete in the world. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Portrait of Grand Duke Constantine of Russia by Johann H Schmied. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Portrait of Alexandra I and Elizabeth of Russia by Carl J A Agricola. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Minature of Maria Antoinette of France. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Minature of Gustav IV of Sweden. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Minature of Catherine II of Russia. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Minature of Nicholas I of Russia. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Portrait of Emperor Alexander I of Russia by Johann H Scmied. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Minature of Charles I of England. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Minature of Charles II of England. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Minature of Napoleon I of France. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Minature of Peter I of Russia. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Minature of Frederick The Great of Prussia. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
"Portrait of Catherine II of Russia" by Giovanni B Lampi. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
"Tatiana Zubov" by Marie T Geraldy. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
"Country Family" by Jacob G Cuyp. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
"The Washerwoman" by Henry R Morland. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
"The Washerwoman" (detail) by Henry R Morland. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
"Portrait of a Young Boy" by Woldemar Hau. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
"The Fisherwoman" by Fernando Alvarez de Sotomayor y Zaragoza (died 1960). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
"St Mark's Square" by Canaletto. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
"Roses" by Pierre Joseph Redoute. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Small room. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Death mask of Napoleon II. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Bedroom. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Gondola shaped bed. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
"Portrait of Nicholas I of Russia" by George Dawe. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
Octagonal box. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Decorative Arts |
"The Thinker" by Auguste Rodin. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
La Boca |
La Boca is the district where Tango originated in brothels. |
2019 |