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Year Taken |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
Detail of a man by a pillar in "Colla Market" (Antonio Berni). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Susana and the Old Man" (1931) by Antonio Berni. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
Detail of "Woman in a Red Sweater" (1935) by Antonio Berni. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"The Great Temptation" (1962) by Antonio Berni. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
Detail of "The Great Temptation" (Antonio Berni), made from waste products. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Chelsea Hotel" (1977) by Antonio Berni. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Guevara" (1968) by Brazilian artist, Claudio Tozzi. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Vallombrosa" (1916) by Argentinian born, Emilio Pettoruti (1892-1971). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"The Song of the People" (1927) by Emilio Pettoruti. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Josephine With Green Window" (1919) by Emilio Pettoruti. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
Detail of face in "Josephine With Green Window" (Emilio Pettoruti). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Exclusion" (1999) by local artist, Pablo Suarez (1937-2006). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
Detail of the figure in "Exclusion" (Pablo Suarez). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Condomble" (a Brazilian dance), 1921, by Uruguyan, Pedro Figari (1861-1938). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Foals of the Pampas" (c1930) by Uruguyan artist, Pedro Figari (1861-1938). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Serenade" (1928) by Brazilian, Emiliano di Cavalcanti (1897-1976). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Women With Fruit" (1932) by Emiliano di Cavalcanti. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Street Scene" (1931) by Emiliano di Cavalcanti. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
Detail of "St John's Festival" (c1939) by Brazilian artist, Candido Portinari (1903-1962). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
Detail of boy with hat in "St John's Festival" (Candido Portinari). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Shadows" (1943) by local painter, Raquel Forner (1902-1988). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"The Widower" (1968) by Colombian artist, Fernando Botero. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
Detail of husband and daughter from "The Widower" (Fernando Botero). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Tree Trunks" (1919) by Argentinian artist, Xul Solar (1887-1963). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Four Cholas" (1923) by Xul Solar. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Unequal or Tall and Short" (1924) by Xul Solar. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Strips" (1924) by Xul Solar. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Round" (1925) by Xul Solar. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Saint Dance" (1925) by Xul Solar. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Couple" (1923) by Xul Solar. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Jol" (1926) by Xul Solar. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Two Mixes from Airplanes and People" (1935) by Xul Solar. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Una Drola" (1923) by Xul Solar. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Colonial House" (1924) by Xul Solar. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Message" (1923) by Xul Solar. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"On His Cross He Swears" (1923) by Xul Solar. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"I, The 80" (1923) by Xul Solar. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Chief of Sierpes" (1923) by Xul Solar. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"The Four" (1921) by Xul Solar. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"The Three" (1923) by Xul Solar. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Man With Yellow Trousars" (1996) by Argentinian artist, Ricardo Garabito. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Two Men Standing With Red Sneakers" (1995) by Ricardo Garabito. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Cecilia x 3" (1980) by Ricardo Garabito. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Woman With Object and Two Buckets" (1997) by Ricardo Garabito. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
L'Epicerie du Bon Poet (1939) by Mexican artist, Roberto Montenegro (1887-1968). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Dear, Are You Alright" (1964) by Antonio Dias (Brazil, 1944-2018). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Couple 2" (1966) by Parisian born, Marisol Escobar (1930-2016). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Involvement Series" (1968) by Wanda Pimentel (Brazil). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Involvement Series" (1968) by Wanda Pimentel. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
Study for "No Vancacies" (1965) by Rubens Gerchman (Brazil, 1942-2008). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Games of Love and Chance" (1963) by local artist, Jorge de la Vega (1930-1971). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"The Most Illustrious Day" (1964) by Jorge de la Vega. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"I Am Not Good Looking" (1963) by Argentinian artist, Antonio Segui. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Construction With Street and Large Fish" (1946) by Uruguyan artist, Joaquin Torres Garcia (1874-1949). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"New York Street" (1920) by Joaquin Torres Garcia. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"George Gershwin, An American in Paris" (1929) by Mexican artist, Miguel Covarrubias (1904-1957). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"The Exam" (ink and watercolour from c1932) by Mexican artist, Agustin Lazo (1896-1971). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Composition With Green Shades" (1939) by Chilean artist, Roberto Matta (1911-2002). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"The Disasters of Mysticism" (1942) by Roberto Matta. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Naked Woman Reading" (c1932) by Venezuelan artist, Armando Reveron (1889-1954). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Cagnes-sur-Mer Landscape" (1929) by Uruguyan born, Jose Cuneo. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Moon and Arbor" (1940) by Jose Cuneo. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
Detail of a horse in "Moon and Arbor" (Jose Cuneo). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Women Fighting (Figures)", 1940 by Cuban artist, Mariano Rodriguez (1912-1990). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"The Dressmaker" (graphite on paper, 1935) by Cuban artist, Amelia Pelaez del Casal (1896-1968). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"The Terrace" (1930) by Argentinian artist, Lino Enea Spilimbergo (1896-1964). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"The Accordionist" (painted bronze, 1922) by Argentinian artist, Pablo Curatella Manes (1891-1962). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"The Guitarist" (painted bronze, 1924) by Pablo Curatella Manes. |
2019 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Museum of Latin American Art |
"Shattering Door" (2009) by modern local artist, Leandro Erlich (born 1973). |
2019 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
San Ignacio Mini is one of the largest of the Jesuit missions in the Northern province of Los Missiones. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
Guarani dwellings. The indigenous Guarani preferred to live in the mission where they would be educated rather than slave in the Spanish colonies. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
At its peak 4000 Guarani lived at the Mission. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
The main plaza. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
The Yerba Mate tree is the source of a local tea called Terere. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
The Mission was founded in 1696, reaching its height in the 1730s. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
Cactus in the main plaza. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
The museum is housed in a beautiful colonial house. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
Painting showing life in the Mission for the Guarani. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
Cathedral |
The Cathedral dates from 1724 and is 74m long. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
Cathedral |
The Cathedral and has 2m thick walls. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
Cathedral |
The gateways are elaborately carved. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
Cathedral |
Stone carvings at the base of the cathedral walls. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
Jesuit coat of arms. The Jesuits were expelled by Spain in 1767. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
Cloister with stone hand rail. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
Detail of stone hand rail. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
Detail from the gate of the ruined Jesuit mission. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
Carved stone on the side of the gate. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
The library. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
School buildings. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
Corner carving on the school. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
Carved angel. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
Flooring. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
San Ignacio Mini |
Stone well. The Mission ruins are a UNESCO World Heritage site. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
View of Los Missiones near San Ignacio. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Los Missiones |
View of Rio Plata. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Iguazu Falls |
Iguazu Falls straddles the border between Brazil and Argentina. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Iguazu Falls |
The falls are more than 2km across. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Iguazu Falls |
The falls are 70m high. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Iguazu Falls |
5000 cubic metres of water per second pass through the falls. |
1998 |
Argentina |
Iguazu Falls |
The falls descend over several cataracts. |
1998 |