Family Tree

Kryss Katsiavriades Family Tree


This is the family tree of Kryss Katsiavriades.

The tree comes in several sections covering as much family as I have been able to discover. Much of the family originally came from Cyprus where written records were not always kept. Maintenance is an ongoing process. Feel free to send any changes, additions or omissions to the email address below.

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The Family Tree

My parents, myself and my three siblings and their children. Families: Katsiavriades, Ioannou, Sparkle, Eustratiou.

My mother's parents and siblings. My maternal uncles, aunts and first cousins. Families: Ephstratiou, Kyriacou, Eustration, Joseph, Koupparis, Costi, Katsiavriades.

My mother's paternal uncles and aunts. Families: Ioannou, Christou, Christofi (Christophi), Midas, Hadjioannou.

My mother's maternal uncles and aunts. Families: Kyriacou.

My father's parents and siblings. My paternal uncles, aunts and first cousins. Families: Demetriou, Adamaou, Koritsas.

My father's paternal uncles and aunts. Families: ?.

My father's maternal uncles and aunts. Families: Athanasi.

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