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Description |
Year Taken |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Naranjastan Garden |
A spectacular mirrored ceiling. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Naranjastan Garden |
Decorations in the mirrored hall. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Naranjastan Garden |
Wall painting in one of the rooms. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Naranjastan Garden |
Carving of a Persian king. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Naranjastan Garden |
Tiled images of suns and lions. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Naranjastan Garden |
Inlaid wooden panel. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Naranjastan Garden |
Woman. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Naranjastan Garden |
The beautiful Naranjastan Garden. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
The entrance garden to the tomb of Khajeh Shams-ed Din Mohammad, Persia's most famous poet, better known as Hafez. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
The gateway to the tomb is at a higher level than the garden. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
The tomb of Hafez, who died in 1389, is set within an open circular colonade. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
The tiled domed ceiling above the tomb. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
The tomb is always busy as he is Persia's best loved poet. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
Pilgrims at the tomb of Hafez paying their respects and reading his poetry. Verses from Hafez can be quoted by all educated Iranians. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
Reading poetry at the tomb. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
Two women listening to a poem. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
Two women enjoying the custom of making a wish and reading a random verse from Hafez for the outcome. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
A group of young women visiting the tomb. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
Four school girls. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
Two young women at the tomb. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
Four women having their photo taken. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
Three soldiers. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
Old woman. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
Couple at the tomb. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
Three female students. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
Woman reading a sad poem by the tomb. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
Two women and a child. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
Group of college girls. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
Two woman and a child. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
Two men visiting the tomb. |
2010 |
Iran |
Shiraz |
Tomb of Hafez |
Woman reciting the poetry of Hafez. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Persepolis was built by the Persian king, Darius I and extended by his son, Xerxes. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
The city of Persepolis dates from the first Persian empire (the Achaemenids). It was begun in 518 BCE. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
The city was destroyed by Alexander The Great in 330 BCE. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Grand Stairway |
The city is entered via the Grand Stairway. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Grand Stairway |
The stone blocks on the stairway fit together very precisely. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Gate Of All Nations |
The Gate Of All Nations (also known as Xerxes' Gateway) was built in the mid 5th century BCE. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Gate Of All Nations |
Visitors passing through the gateway. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Gate Of All Nations |
The gateway has strong Assyrian influence. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Gate Of All Nations |
The gateway once led through a covered hall to the city. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Gate Of All Nations |
A Lamassu (bearded bull-like Sumerian deity) guarding the gateway. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Gate Of All Nations |
Detail of the beard and wings. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Gate Of All Nations |
Detail of the rear of the lamassu. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Gate Of All Nations |
Graffitti on the gateway by Henry Morton Stanley (of "Dr Livingstone, I presume" fame) from the New York Herald in 1870. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Palace |
The Apadana Palace was built by and used by Xerxes. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Palace |
Arched gateways. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Palace |
View across the palace. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Palace |
Columns on the palace. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Palace |
Flower base of a column. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Palace |
The base of the palace has carved figures in relief. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Palace |
Two figures and an inscription. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Staircase |
The Apadana Staircase is famous for its 2500 year old carved figures. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Staircase |
Subject nations bringing a tribute of two rams to the Persian king. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Staircase |
Persians with square feather tipped hats and Medes with round hats. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Staircase |
A two humped Bactrian camel being offered. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Staircase |
Offerings of trees and horses. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Staircase |
An offered bull. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Staircase |
Weapon being offered as tribute. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Staircase |
Armenians bringing offerings of their famed wine. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Staircase |
Horse and Chariot. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Staircase |
Detail of offerings. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Staircase |
A lion attacking a bull is a Zoroatrian symbol for the Persian New Year. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Staircase |
Elamite horse being walked by a valet. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Staircase |
Close up of spear carriers. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Staircase |
Man with a vase. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Staircase |
Bearded figure carved over two stone blocks. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Staircase |
Persian figure. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Staircase |
Two figures with a jewel. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Apadana Staircase |
Cuniform inscription stating that the palace was begun by Darius and completed by Xerxes. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Triplon |
A ring with wings, the symbol of Zoroastrinism on the Triplon. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Triplon |
Lion with wings and human head. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Triplon |
Well preserved carved plant. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Triplon |
View from the Triplon to the Palace of 100 Columns and the tomb of Artaxerxes III. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Hadish |
The Hadish is a palace built by Xerxes. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Hadish |
The palace is on a mound reached by steps. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Hadish |
Structures on the palace mound. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Hadish |
Carvings on the base. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Tachara |
The Tachara is the palace of Darius I. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Tachara |
The Tachara is the best preserved building at Persepolis. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Tachara |
Carved doorways. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Tachara |
Figure on a door jamb. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Tachara |
Soldiers on the base. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Tachara |
Inscription by Xerxes. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Tachara |
Different subject nations bringing tribute on the staircase. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Tachara |
Animal tribute on the Tachara staircase. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Tachara |
Subject with tribute. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Tachara |
View of the Apadana Palace from the Tachara. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Treasury of Darius |
The remains of the Treasury of Darius. Alexander The Great needed 3000 camels to carry off its contents. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Treasury of Darius |
Carving showing Darius on his throne with Xerxes behind him and a priest paying his respects in front of two incense burners. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Tomb of Artaxerxes III |
The Tomb of Artaxerxes III. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Tomb of Artaxerxes III |
The Tomb of Artaxerxes II (died 358 BCE) is carved from a cliff face overlooking Persepolis. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Tomb of Artaxerxes III |
Stonework at the Tomb. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Tomb of Artaxerxes III |
Decoration of lions, flowers are people. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Tomb of Artaxerxes III |
Detail of carving. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Tomb of Artaxerxes III |
The Zoroastrian god, Ahuramazda. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Stone well. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
The Tomb of Artaxerxes II. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Palace of 100 Columns |
The Palace of 100 Columns was used by the king to meet his military commanders. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Palace of 100 Columns |
A group of children. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Palace of 100 Columns |
A damaged Xerxes and an attendant carved on the main gate of the palace. |
2010 |